Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have You Ever ...

Purchased an item that you forgot you purchased? Not just any ole' thing, something that you price stalked and thought you just couldn't do without? I'm talking something that you looked at every time you were in the store, something that you just had to have.

Apparently back in January I purchased a pair of shoes that I'd wanted for quite some time. I even price stalked and that is something I don't do (i.e. continuously checked the prices at the store and online). If I see something that I like and I have the money to buy it, I buy it. No price comparison, no price stalking, no waiting on a sale, no googling for coupons, none of that. I'm too impatient and while I like clothes and shoes, I am not a "shopper" per se.

So what happened? I was cleaning out my purse when I saw a folded receipt in the coin section of my wallet (interpretation ... I was looking for something specific that required me to empty the contents because I couldn't find it otherwise). When I looked at the receipt I saw that I apparently had purchased 2 pairs of shoes in January. Now I remember one pair because I wear them pretty frequently but I could not remember the second pair. This is when the scavenger hunt began. I began to search high and low looking for a new pair of shoes and guess where they were? They were still in the box, on the outside of my closet door! You mean I didn't even take the time to move them 2 feet into the closet?! LOL. Is this how I treat something that I had to have? Gee whiz. In all fairness, I claim amnesty on this one because it's been a very hectic 3 months. But what about you, have you ever ... ?


Shtinkykat said...

Now that takes some self-control! I'm one of those people that rips stuff out of the bag/box to try on once I get home. So I never have issues like that when it comes to clothing/shoes. But I notice that I often forget groceries that I've purchased and stuck in the far corner of the fridge. Often time, I discover that a new life form has developed when I clean out the fridge! Eeeewwwww..

Sharon said...

Hi there-yup, I think we are all guilty of this one, LOL! We are so desperate to have an item, but once its purchased, its soon forgotton-I think its the thrill of the chase maybe? Thanks so much for your kind comment my dear, its much appreciated. Glad to see you back and wishing you well on your fiinacial future.

Ms. MoneyChat said...

shtinky - as always, you crack me up girl!

sharon - aaah, there it is, that sweet voice of the UK. we're gonna miss you.