I absolutely love chatting with you about all things money sprinkled with flavors of other topics here and there so please contact me at mymoneychat@gmail.com if you like. Thanks for visiting and I look forward to hearing from you!
Who is Ms. MoneyChat? I'm an individual who strongly desires to see everyone walk in the fullness of who they were created to be. Debt and a lack of financial education continue to rob many of their hopes, dreams and aspirations. I've been around the debt block several times and finally made the right turn to travel down a different path—a path that leads to financial freedom. This blog is where you and I will chat about all things money. As you follow along with me you will learn more about my experiences and lessons learned. Although I hope to edutain (educate and entertain), please understand that any general information that you apply to your specific situation should be done so after you have obtained additional details and/or professional assistance.