Investopedia defines diversification as a risk management technique that mixes a variety of investments within a portfolio. The idea here is to reduce your exposure to risk because investments are unlikely to move in the same direction at the same time. When one investment is down, the other investment should be up or at least stable. Needless to say, we are currently in unprecedented times when everything, stocks, bonds and real estate are all moving in the same direction, down! So can I really achieve diversification? Yes, I think so. Here are a few investment ideas that I plan on adding to my portofolio, in addition to paper investments (i.e. stocks & bonds):
- Pay of my mortgage! Yes, this is already a goal but I have taken steps to increase the amount I'm sending each month as extra principal payments. The way I see it, a paid off mortgage will fit in quite nicely with my long term savings plan. Unless I have some life changing circumstances, I am in my house for the foreseeable future so why not expedite the payoff. Certainly we all know the benefits of not having a mortgage.
- Small Business - I have an investment in a small business and it's actually in the black! I will continue to monitor the business and maintain my investments as long as it's a viable option. One of my long-term goals is to invest in more small businesses. Perhaps I'll post more about this later because this goal gets me pretty hype!
- Rental Real Estate - At some point I plan to include rental real estate in my portfolio. I have no plans on taking the plunge until I have enough cash to make a hefty down payment. Actually I would prefer multi-units or commercial properties. I have little to no interest in managing single family homes.
Now that I have specific investments identified, I am feeling better about being diversified. Am I risk adverse, absolutely not, I just don't want all of my eggs in one basket. Aah, it feels good to have a plan ;-).